Clinic 3: 13th – 16th December 2025

Price & Information:

Dates: 13th – 16th December 2025

Price: €600 (Clinic Fee) + CharterBoat (tbc)

Location: Gillieru Harbour Hotel, St. Paul’s Bay, Malta

Organized by: Malta Young Sailors Club

Coaches: Simone Ricci (Head Coach) – Manuel Hormiga

Accommodation: Db Seabank Resort & Spa. Subject to availability and seasonal rates. Special rates shall apply when applying through Malta Young Sailors Club.

Parents: Parents are more than welcome to explore lovely Malta however, we kindly ask that parents do not interfere with training or activities.

Clinic Programme: 09:30 to 17:30 every day except last day. Normal daily session on water will be 4 hours to 5 hours according to weather conditions.
Briefing and Debriefing every day.
*Meeting time and schedule could change every day due to weather conditions.

Level: Medium to High

To register please fill the form below:

*Registration alone does not secure the booking. Booking confirmed upon payment.

    Sailors First Name

    Sailors Last Name



    Date of Birth

    Sailing Club

    Email Address

    Registrations are not complete before payment is made. Payment shall be made to the following account:

    Quote: "Atlantis Academy Clinic 3 - [Sailor Name]"

    BANK: Bank of Valletta
    BRANCH: St. Paul's Bay
    IBAN: MT 90 VALL 2201 3000 0000 40025176487